Label Field – Documentation

Form Fields
Label field When you are building forms in AbcSubmit form builder, it is recommended to associate for each field you drop in your form a label. By adding a label, you provide a great contextual help for your inputs of the form. Also, Labels are used by screen readers in order to help people with visual difficulties to be able to fill your form. [caption id="attachment_333" align="aligncenter" width="417"] Label field (in edit mode) and it's associated TextBox[/caption] 1. Text The text content that is shown inside the label. 2. Target field The associated input (field) which will become focused when the user clicks on the label.
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Header and Footer Manual – AbcSubmit Form Builder

Form Fields
Header and Footer manual 1. How to add a header or footer to your document? [caption id="attachment_276" align="alignright" width="430"] Add header or footer[/caption] You can add or remove a header or a footer by clicking in the right panel buttons "Add Header" or "Add Footer": 2. Layout Type Headers and footers can be of two types: FLUID and FIXED. Fluid headers or footers are using 100% of the page width. Fixed headers or footers widths are automatically scaled to current visible page. 2.1. Fluid layout type on header or footer Are rendered using 100% of the browser tab width. [caption id="attachment_278" align="alignnone" width="300"] Fluid header example[/caption] 2.2. Fixed layout type of header or footer Are rendered always using the current visible page width. [caption id="attachment_277" align="alignnone" width="300"] Fixed header example[/caption]…
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